Every property in New Zealand has a rating valuation that reflects its actual worth (excluding chattels). This is assessed usually every three years, or at the request of the owner. The numbers and report produced can then be used for various purposes, including buying or selling a property, or investing in one.When it comes to property and land valuations in Auckland, trust Simon Head & Associates. We have a team of registered land valuers who work to give you an objective, up-to-date, and fair valuation of your land.
Why Have Your Land Assessed?
Our land valuation work gives owners a fair market estimate of the value of their land. This can be used to determine how much the owner can charge other parties who will use the said property.
For example, an individual who rents out several acres of land for residential-commercial purposes will take into account the current market value of the land, taxes, and the capitalisation rate in coming up with the rates and other related numbers.
Our work always integrates honesty, integrity, and unmatched work ethic. Trust that you will always get the fair numbers from us. Our land valuers are committed to providing a high-quality, reliable valuation service. We are able to come up with superior market intelligence based on up-to-date local knowledge and strong national information. We do work that is accurate, timely, and competitively-priced.
Thorough Inspections
We understand that land value increases when demand exceeds the available supply, or if a particular piece of land enjoys intrinsic value greater than the surrounding land. Our thorough inspections will take all things necessary into account to come up with a report that is beneficial for all.
We strictly follow the standards set by the local council, as well as those set by the Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Get in touch with our land valuers today to get accurate evaluations, detailed reports, and quality advice.